Many articles have been written about this topic and I am not going to repeat most of what has been written on it.
You might have read about Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) to attract traffic through Google in particular and other search engines but the challenge with this is that it takes time before you start seeing tangible results and the competition is stiff.
I am going to give you an alternative that is quite simple to use and implement via Twitter.
Twitter is the microblogging website that allows users that make "tweets" that cannot exceed 140 characters. It has over 300 million users and is probably the fastest way to share news and content on the Internet via "retweets" by other users.
The news and topics shared on Twitter can be easily categorised by using 'hash' (#) tags. The hash tag is typed without a space before the word for the category for a tweet. For example, I could tweet the title of this blog with the hash tag #blogging. Anytime someone searches on Twitter with this hash tag, my tweet will appear in the results, the latest tweets get listed on top.
As a blogger, you should tweet your blog posts and their links. Use creative titles and select the relevant hash tags to direct more traffic to your blog.
Twitter rewards creativity. Hence, you should take time before composing your tweets to get the maximum impact. Encourage your followers to retweet your tweets and make it interesting for them to be willing to do so.
Apart from using Twitter, you should add social sharing buttons for each post on your blog. You can get more traffic from the likes of Facebook, Stumbleupon, Pinterest, Stumbleupon, Digg and so many more social bookmarking websites. If you create exciting and engaging content, people will be happy to share it with their friends on the different social media networks. Do not fail to add pictures to your blog posts. This will open additional hits for your blog when people search for images.
I can assure you that I will apply my own advice with this tweet, let me know what you think about it by dropping a comment.
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